Cochlear implant. Histopathological guide to indications and contraindications: A post mortem study on temporal bones
F. Salvinelli, M. Trivelli, F. Greco, F.H. Linthicum Jr* Institute of Otolaryngology, “Campus Bio-Medico” University – Rome (Italy)
*Department of Histopathology, “House Ear Institute” – Los Angeles, CA (USA)
Abstract. – We have studied the temporal bones of 4 deceased donors, individuals one with cochlear saccular degeneration, another with Mondini displasia, another with an ossification of the basal turn of the cochlea and the round window, post meningitis and the fourth who was implanted 10 years before. The indications and contraindications for cochlear implant placement are discussed.

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To cite this article
F. Salvinelli, M. Trivelli, F. Greco, F.H. Linthicum Jr*
Cochlear implant. Histopathological guide to indications and contraindications: A post mortem study on temporal bones
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 1999
Vol. 3 - N. 5
Pages: 217-220