A new digital health tool for the telemonitoring of patients with scleroderma during iloprost administration: a feasibility and acceptability study
P. Faggioli, E. Zaccara, L. Castelnovo, D. Bompane, A. Tamburello, A. Lurati, A. Laria, D. Gangemi, M. Giani, D. Gnani, M. Di Giorgi, K. Iura, F. Grandelis, R. Piazza, T. Piana, G. Zizzo, A. Mazzone Department of Internal Medicine, Rheumatology Unit, ASST Ovest Milanese, Legnano, Italy. paola.faggioli@asst-ovestmi.it
OBJECTIVE: To assess the feasibility of a new device for telemonitoring vital parameters during iloprost infusion.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: In a pilot study, patients with systemic sclerosis received iloprost infusion while being telemonitored with Umana T1 Heart Monitor, within the hospital, under the supervision of family/community nurses and rheumatologists. Patients were administered a questionnaire to obtain information on satisfaction, practicability, and compliance with the new monitoring device.
RESULTS: Data recorded by the device for blood pressure, heart rate, and oximetry were concordant with those registered directly by nurses. Most patients found the device useful and thought it could be used at home, even while working.
CONCLUSIONS: Umana Heart Monitor T1 could be a valuable aid in at-home iloprost therapy in patients with systemic sclerosis.
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P. Faggioli, E. Zaccara, L. Castelnovo, D. Bompane, A. Tamburello, A. Lurati, A. Laria, D. Gangemi, M. Giani, D. Gnani, M. Di Giorgi, K. Iura, F. Grandelis, R. Piazza, T. Piana, G. Zizzo, A. Mazzone
A new digital health tool for the telemonitoring of patients with scleroderma during iloprost administration: a feasibility and acceptability study
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2023
Vol. 27 - N. 2
Pages: 799-804
DOI: 10.26355/eurrev_202301_31081