Metabolic and histological complications in ileal urinary diversion
C. Alberti L.D. of Surgical Semeiotics, University of Parma, Parma (Italy)
Abstract. – Patients with ileal continent urinary diversion may present some awkward challenges to internists which have a considerable role in their long-term management. The potential metabolic complications result from both unphysiological exposure of the ileum to urine and decrease in absorbitive bowell capacity. Moreover, a variety of histopathomorphosic changes have been reported in ileal segment because of chronic exposure to urine. The risk of malignancy, particularly at ureteroileal anastomosis, is well documented in several large series but the mechanisms of development tumor in intestinal segments used for urinary diversion remain uncertain. In order to avoid both metabolic and tumoral complications of ileal urinary diversion, research has been conducted into using tissues other than bowell for bladder augmentation or replacement. Tissue engineering technologies provide intriguing means for the development of tissue that can mimic the barrier properties of the urothelium together with functional aptitudes of the smooth muscle wall. Recent advances in biomaterial sciences pose significant challenges for tissue engineering.
Corresponding Author: Contardo Alberti, MD; cell: +39.335.69.48.342
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To cite this article
C. Alberti
Metabolic and histological complications in ileal urinary diversion
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2007
Vol. 11 - N. 4
Pages: 257-264