Description of columellar defects and its tridimensional remedial techniques
D.J. Bottini, V. Galante, P. Gentile, F. Maggiulli, L. Palla, G.M. D’Asero, V. Cervelli Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, University of Study Tor Vergata, Rome (Italy)
Columella is an important facial component and provides support and projection to the tip of the nose. Columella defects may cause significant aesthetic and functional deformities.
We present our case-load of 2007: 61 patients operated in that year had been carried out and concluded. Surgical techniques for the correction of columellar defects were classified as “open tip” and “closed tip”. Then, depending on the defect, it was possible to intervene on different structures.
Of the 61 patients who underwent corrective surgery, only 6 ( A very good aesthetic result was obtained with no functional complications. In fact, nose functionality is supported by medial crura, laid one upon the other, providing considerable resistance to the columella.
Corresponding Author: Ludovico Palla, MD; e-mail:
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To cite this article
D.J. Bottini, V. Galante, P. Gentile, F. Maggiulli, L. Palla, G.M. D’Asero, V. Cervelli
Description of columellar defects and its tridimensional remedial techniques
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2009
Vol. 13 - N. 3
Pages: 193-196