Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 2010; 14 (5): 421-426

Elasticity/distensibility of the ascending aorta: basal conditions and simulated conditions from space flights

N. Alessandri, F. Tufano, M. Petrassi, C. Alessandri, L. Lanzi, L. Fusco, F. Moscariello,C. De Angelis*, E. Tomao*

Department of Cuore e Grossi Vasi “A. Reale”, polo pontino, University “Sapienza”, Rome (Italy) *Flight Sperimental Center, Military Airport, Pratica di Mare, Rome (Italy)

Abstract. – Introduction: The hysto-morfological composition of the ascending aorta wall gives to the vessel its characteristic elasticity/distensibility, which is deteriorated due to both physiological (age) and pathological events (hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia). This contributes to reduce the wall elasticity and to occurrence of cardiovascular events.
Matherials and Methods: Thirty young healthy subjects (20 males, 10 females, age Results: The observation of results and statistical comparison showed that despite different hemodynamic conditions and with significant variation of blood pressure related to posture, elasticity/distensibility did not change significantly.
Discussion: The elasticity/distensibility of arterial vessels is the result of two interdependent variables such as blood pressure and systolic and diastolic diameters. While blood pressure and heart rate vary physiologically in relation to posture, the compensation of the vessel diameters modifications maintains the aortic compliance invariate. Therefore, in young healthy people, despite the significant postural and the sudden pressure changes (equivalent to parietal stress) aortic compliance does not alter. This behavior might be related to the low rate of cardiovascular events that are present in healthy people aged under 30 yrs.

Corresponding Author: Nicola Alessandri, MD; e-mail:

To cite this article

N. Alessandri, F. Tufano, M. Petrassi, C. Alessandri, L. Lanzi, L. Fusco, F. Moscariello,C. De Angelis*, E. Tomao*
Elasticity/distensibility of the ascending aorta: basal conditions and simulated conditions from space flights

Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2010
Vol. 14 - N. 5
Pages: 421-426