Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 2010; 14 (11): 979-985

Efficacy and safety of bowel cleansing solutions for colonoscopy: a prospective observational study

A. Allegretti A, D. Bargallò Carulla B, A. Bertelè C, A. Franzè C, E.A. Kouroumalis D, M.A. Mancini E, G. Paspatis F, S. Reina-Serrano G

A) E.O. Ospedali Galliera, S.C. Gastroenterologia, Genoa (Italy) B) Centro Médico Delfos, Unidad de Endoscopia, Barcelona (Spain) C) Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Parma, S.C. Gastroenterologia, Parma (Italy) D) University Hospital of Heraklion, Department of Gastroenterology, Crete (Greece) E) Ospedale San Giovanni Calibita Fatebenefratelli, Servizio di Endoscopia Digestiva, Rome (Italy) F) Benizelion General Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology, L. Knossou, Heraklion, Crete (Greece) G) Hospital Virgen de la Macarena, FEA-Aparato Digestivo, Sevilla (Spain)

Abstract. – Background: The most critical factor determining the quality of colonoscopy results is the extent of bowel cleansing.
Aim: This observational post-marketing study evaluated the efficacy, acceptability and safety of a range of the most commonly used bowel cleansing solutions in routine clinical practice.
Patients: Patients undergoing diagnostic, preventive or follow-up colonoscopy were recruited from 7 centres in Italy, Spain and Greece.
Methods: Quality of bowel preparation was assessed on a 5-point scale and included evaluation of visible bowel surface area and the amount and consistency of residual fluid. Patients evaluated ease of use and palatability.
Results: A total of 437 patients took part. Klean-Prep, the most commonly used preparation in this evaluation, achieved the highest score for quality of bowel cleansing and was rated as good or excellent in 72.0% of patients. In dosage-compliant patients, Klean-Prep showed better results in comparison to Fleet Phosphosoda (p Conclusion: The polyethylene glycol-based preparations provided the most adequate cleansing and, of these, Klean-Prep provided the highest “good” or “excellent” level of bowel preparation.

Corresponding Author: Anna Bertelè, MD; e-mail:

To cite this article

A. Allegretti A, D. Bargallò Carulla B, A. Bertelè C, A. Franzè C, E.A. Kouroumalis D, M.A. Mancini E, G. Paspatis F, S. Reina-Serrano G
Efficacy and safety of bowel cleansing solutions for colonoscopy: a prospective observational study

Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2010
Vol. 14 - N. 11
Pages: 979-985